Tuesday, October 1, 2019

B Midterm

Consumers Perspective From a consumers perspective, we are always looking for ways to present ourselves favorably to the public -? whether we do it consciously or unconsciously. Some consumers want to be perceived as the â€Å"Geeky Gadget', always on the rise to own the top notch smartness (need for uniqueness, P. 161). This is also a good example of how this consumer engages in impression management, P. 122, to positively maintain his or her public Image. The way a person seeks to pursue their ideal self may play an important role n driving this change.For example, a person who dollies Steve Job's innovative and creative character may want to become innovative by associating him/herself with Apple products (ideal self, P. 122). A different example in how an individual's perception about owning the latest or newest phone is through their extended self. For example, an interesting study conducted by Google indicated how â€Å"people are using mobile to change all aspects of their l ife† (Michael Oliver, 2013). Furthermore, most smartened users cherish their phones so much that it comes their identity (extended self, P. 28). Company's Perspective In contrast, from a company's perspective, an organization's culture can shape their approach based on their core values and beliefs. For instance, a company that emphasizes the values of innovation, learning, and creativity can influence their employees' behaviors to become innovative and creative in making new products (values, P. 174). 2. Temporary Situation on Consumer Behavior People's decisions to live frugally depend on a variety of factors including their motivation, lifestyle, and timing.Motivation Conflict One reason people may be cutting back on spending is due to motivational conflict. For example, I purchased a Samsung Galaxy SO because believe it satisfied all my needs. On the other hand, however, I had to suffer the consequences of paying an expensive fee (approach-avoidance conflict, P. 99). Since I have invested in something expensive that I believe will last me a long time, I am not willing to spend money or time looking for another smartened.Hierarchy of Needs People can also be cutting back depending on where they currently stand on the levels of their needs. Consumers who have satisfied their lower-level needs and want to fulfill their upper needs may be willing to consume more to get there. On the other hand, if consumers feel that their lower level needs haven't been met, they will remain in that level until they no longer feel dissatisfied. For example, a student who is struggling to pay rent may not be likely to spend money for a smartened to feel connected with her peers.Once she has earned enough money from her part-time job to pay off all her rent and has fulfilled her need of safety, she may move on to satisfy her need for belongingness. Lifestyle Another reason why consumers are not willing to spend is because of their lifestyle. A person's social class should be understood as it plays a huge role in influencing what type and quantity consumers buy (Boundless, n. D. ). Consumers in the upper class have a higher level of disposable income, and therefore, are willing to spend more on luxury good items than those with less disposable income. 3.Multi-attribute Model: Smartened Decisions Attribute (I) Importance (l) Beliefs (B) phone 6 as unsung Galaxy AS BlackBerry Passport Fast Processor 5 4 Large Built-in Storage High Camera Quality 3 Eng Battery Life Easy Navigation Attitude Score 65 72 69 53 The five attributes that are most important for me in terms of deciding what smartened to purchase encompasses the processor speed, large built-in storage, high quality camera, long battery life, and finally, the ease of navigation. L When assessing a phone's attributes, did some research and read over some product reviews and recommendations based on consumption communities, p. . I also took into consideration my positive and negative experiences In using a smartened. For example, the fast receptors and long battery life attributes display the highest weight of importance because value the performance of a phone in terms of its speed and ability to last a long time. Having to charge a phone two to three times a day was painfully inconvenient, and therefore developed a negative attitude towards the performance of that phone (utilitarian function, P. 187). Regarding the table above, Samsung Galaxy SO ranked the highest with an overall attitude score of 72.As I did more internal and external research on each smartened (cognition), I valued a lot of the attributes Samsung Galaxy ad offered (affect) causing me to purchase the product (high involvement hierarchy, P. 189). In addition, my attitude object towards Samsung products has developed over time, establishing a strong brand loyalty (internalizing, level of commitment, p. 293). Also hold a strong favoritism towards the Samsung brand, which enforces me to buy their products regar dless of what price it is (brand equity, P. 163). 4.Improving the image of the BlackBerry Passport to University-aged Students The lowest ranked phone under the multi-attribute model is the BlackBerry Passport with an overall attitude score of 53. But how can marketers improve the image of this phone to attract university-aged students? Capitalizing on Relevant Advantage Blackberry's Passport smartened ranked relatively high with a score of 4 on both fast processor and large built-in storage. Since the attribute built-in Storage perceives low importance, marketers can emphasize the convenience of having enough storage as if you were to bring a mini-laptop.Laptops have huge storage, and if consumers perceive that the BlackBerry phone holds a sufficiently large storage component, it can reinforce the presence of the hone. Strengthen Perceived Product-attribute Link Although BlackBerry's ease of navigation ranked low importance, marketers can alter a consumers attitude towards this att ribute so that they are appropriately educated on how to navigate the device. For example, doing tutorial videos allow for better understanding on how to use the smartened.Add a New Attribute Since many university students value the element of convenience, Blackberry can add a feature where instead of paying for a purchase through a credit or debit card, users can pay through their phone. Furthermore, BlackBerry can also capitalize on is their physical keyboard. This can be a huge factor in leveraging consumer preferences on being able to physically touch buttons. Influence Competitors' Ratings It is really crucial for marketers to consider maintaining an ongoing bond or relationship with their consumers as this is one of the factors of keeping them motivated to stay loyal.This is mostly the hardest thing to do as it is very complicated to persuade loyal consumers of a competitor to switch to BlackBerry. Keeping this in mind, BlackBerry can establish a reputation for being the most organized smartened. For example, they can advertise how they sponsor many student clubs and companies to keep teams organized and connected. 5. Changing Consumer Behavior through Instrumental Conditioning Apple can change consumer behavior towards illegal music downloads through instrumental conditioning in many ways using positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement.Variable-interval Reinforcement Variable-interval reinforcement is a great way to counteract illegal downloading of music. For every music download a consumer purchases, Apple can reward them with a PIP exclusive pass to a concert of their top unload music artist. For example, if a consumer consistently downloaded One Republic's music, tunes can notify them that One Republic is having an upcoming concert in their nearby location and reward them with the exclusive PIP tickets along with a friend. This is also a good example of frequency marketing, P. 2. A Combination of Positive and Negative Reinforcement Another p ossible alternative Apple can do is use negative reinforcement as a way to reduce the behavior of downloading illegal music. Apple can create a built-in program within tunes that allows them to analyses which source the USIA came from and guilt the consumer by publicizing it on their tunes library (guilt, P. 114). In addition, they can also limit the storage of songs a consumer can input in their library based on the number Of different sources the music came from.

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